Friday, December 19, 2014

A world without religion

8:20 AM Posted by Unknown No comments


“God is the mind that imagines physical reality. We are each like a cell in that mind.”

—Peter Shepherd


The voices against religious belief are growing stronger in recent years as is to be expected in this age of information, but would there really be an idyllic world waiting in the end of this war?

Would the people susceptible to the religious doctrines really abandon illogical thinking, or will we see the various "New Age" movements get stronger with new pseudo-scientific lies that might seem like an easier path to take than the proof demanding science, as we see today from many secular people around the world?

How far are we from completely embracing knowledge and research? How do you envision such a world?

Is there a fundamental assumption being made by some of us that a world with science and logic alone cannot still have a sense of wonder, excitement, fullness and feeling of understanding? Do you need religion to live a full life? Is science the only thing left behind without religion? Are we giving religion too much credit?

Lets imagine a world without religion, how will it really look?



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