Friday, December 19, 2014

Education in Nepal

7:58 AM Posted by Unknown No comments

Importance of Education:

        Education is regarded as one of the greatest qualities and virtues of man. It is education that raises man above the animal. In praise of education, a Sanskrit stanza says that education infuses a man with decorum, decorum produces in him worthiness; worthiness brings him wealth and finally wealth fills him with happiness. To conclude, according to this verse, education is an origin of happiness. Education is of another great importance. Man has many kinds of competence latent in him waiting to emerge. The ray of education unfolds them and the man is enabled to do work in an efficient manner. It also bestows on a man discretion to distinguish between right and wrong. All these virtues lead him to march in the track of progress constantly. When every person of a society is educated, the society progresses. Education is the necessity for a country. If the citizens of a country are uneducated, they cannot understand what they have to do for the country's development, how they can work on projects and how they can carry out development works. Education gives ordinary people skill, efficiency and strength to manage administration and translate plans into action. Our country needs skilled manpower in agriculture, industry, transport, communication, trade, administration, etc. All kinds of development- social, political, economic depend on competent workers.


History of Education:

         Before the introduction of modern education, there was the system of imparting Sanskrit education based on religion in Nepal. The education was for the Brahmins and Chhetris only. The Brahmins studied Vedas, Upanishada, Jyotish (Astronomy) and science of rituals (KarmaKanda) and the Chhetris learnt about administration and art of warfare. Education was necessary for those also who helped the king in administration and kept the records in the courts. Others needed no education. Buddhist monks also imparted education based on their religion. This type of education was prevailing during the Malla region, too. Some Malla Kings were very learned. Many books in Sanskrit, Newari and maithili were written.

       Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana had introduced English educations. During his visit to the European countries, he saw the achievements of England and was highly impressed. He returned home with 2 Englishmen Teachers and established an English school in Thapathali Palace in 7th Ashoj 1910 BS. The school was founded to teach his children only. In 1915 BS, Education Department was established whose first director was Babar Jung Rana. The school was called Durbar School. Later the school was shifted to Rani Pokhari and was housed in the newly built building. This school was now called Bhanu Madhyamik Vidhyalaya. A Sanskrit school was also run in the same building. When Bir Shumsher became Prime Minister, he permitted general people to receive education in Durbar High School in 1948 BS. Tjos Josj School was affiliated to Kalkutta University in 1966 BS. Apart from this, he set up 150 language schools all over Nepal. Prime Minister Chandra Shumsher closed the language schools but established other schools. His another contribution to education was the establishment of Tri-Chandra College in 1975 BS. Prime Minister Juddha Shumsher's and Padma Shumsher's contributions were also remarkable. Basic schools were set up and female education was started. Padma Kanya Campus is the example of this. People were allowed to found schools. The Rana PMs were antagonistic to public education. What they did for education was indeed laudable.


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